May Special

This month with your groom you will receive a 2 oz jar of SHAMSPAW Balm. It is a balm made up of coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, grapeseed oil, caster oil, sweet almond oil, beeswax, essential oils: Lavender, Rosemary and Basil. It is good for rubbing your dogs paws when they get rough, putting on hotspots or sores, keep bugs away and for rough noses. Make an appointment today to get your jar!

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Gordon and the Grocery Store

IMG_20150212_141841 1My dog, Gordon, who is a Yellow Labrador Retriever is 14. He is not doing well and I anticipate his passing in the not too soon future. He has been a wonderful dog. I have a story I would like to share about him.

I meet my husband on eHarmony. We got married in 2005 and moved to our prairie farm in SE MN. Gordon and I had been living in Appleton, WI in town. I had been a city mouse for most of my life, so moving to the country had been a big change.

That wasn’t the only change in my life at that time, I also became a step-mother to a 6 year old and a 8 year old. I was 40 and had never been married and hadn’t had children. So lots of changes for Gordon and I.

One day in the first fall of my marriage the girls, Gordon and I went to the grocery store. Most of the grocery stores in the small towns around me are small. They are nice because: 1. They take your groceries to your car for you and 2. They are close to home.

I pulled into the parking lot parked. I moved around the van to let the girls out and Gordon decided to jump out and take off for the grocery store. I watched in fear as he ran across the rain wet lot hoping he wouldn’t get hit. I watched him run straight into the store. I turned to the girls told them to stay in the van and lock it. I ran after my misbehaving dog.

Another thing about these small town stores is there usually aren’t huge crowds in them and they normally will have one or two cashiers up front. I ran in after Gordon watching him run down the bakery/deli area. I also saw about 15 people standing at the only lane open. All staring at me. I took off after Gordon yell for him.

I tried running down the parallel aisle and to try and cut him off but he was faster than me and was heading to the bread/chip aisle. I tried my stradaige again and still missed him. I finally saw a cashier walking towards me with Gordon in hand. He was so happy enjoying his mischieve. I apojized and walked my dog past the line of spetors. Went to the vand and got the girls and put Gordon away.

The girls and I went back ino the store to do our gshopping. The same line of spectars standing in line.

Gordon has gotten to old to run like that anymore. When we took walks he use to be in front and now he is behind struggling to keep up. I walk slow with him and keep or wlks short.

The Myth of Hypoallergenic Dogs

It really makes me mad that people will try to sell something that is false. It can be for many different reasons like a lack of knowledge themselves. As a groomer that has dog allergies this meaning I have allergic reactions to some dogs. I want to set the record straight.

th9R52H8UOThere are no hypoallergenic dogs. The definition of hypoallergenic, according to Mr. Webster, is to have little likelihood of causing an allergic reaction. Most allergic reactions to dogs are based on the dander of the dog. Dander is dead skin cells. Dogs shed those whether they have fur or hair. Some dogs have fur. Examples are Huskies, Labs, German Shepherds, Rat Terriers, Bulldogs. These type dogs will typically shed their fur in large numbers. Usually it is heaviest during seasonal changes but they shed all the time. Some dogs have hair. Examples of these are Poodles, Shih Tzu, Yorkies, and Bichons. These dogs still shed hair but less. If you brush one of these dogs they shed hair out as they are brushed but it is a lot less than those with fur.

Because dogs with fur shed more they tend to shed more dander than dogsth6VGGDW1M with hair but that tendency doesn’t always follow through with hair dogs. Remember dander is dead skin cells and I have seen many dogs with hair with high levels of dead skin cells in their coat.

Which brings me to my next point. Allergic reactions can be very specific. I would have reaction to one specific dog of a breed. Like one German Shepherd, in my shop days, would set me off with a runny nose and tight chest. We had other German Shepherds that would come into the shop but I wouldn’t react to them. Dander is dog specific not breed specific. We each have our own set of DNA so do dogs. Those of us sensitive to dog allergies are reacting to a specific dander from a specific dog.

thW8YA3VM7So where does that leave us? Since a family of dogs carry similar DNA if you are at a breeders home and hang out for a while you can test your sensitivity to that family of dogs. You can try several breeders of the same breed of dogs and check your reactions to each family

Remember all dogs shed dander so if your are allergic to that dog’s dander whether they have fur or hair your will react.

Here are a couple of articles on the subject.

Knowledge is power

Essential Oils and Your Dog

Essential oils are a wonderful gift. They are powerful healers, calming agents and insect repellents. You can add them to shampoos, conditioners and body sprays. Here are a couple of ideas on what you can do:

* Rose Geranium is a tick repellent. Put a couple of drops on your dogs shoulder blades and at the base of the tail. Put on yourself wrist and behind ears. Do this everyday through tick season. Repeat during the day if you feel it is needed.

* Make your own dog/human body spray. Choose a fragrance you enjoy. I like Lavender and peppermint. Rosemary and Lime is nice too. Use 1/2 cup distilled water, 1/2 cup Witch Hazel, 30 drops Lavender and 5 drops peppermint or 15 drops each of Rosemary and Lime.

I get my essential oils from Sparks Naturals. They have quality oils at a great price. Click the link below and use SHAMSPOO. You will receive 10% off your order.

Sparks Naturals

Use SHAMSPOO get 10% off

Use SHAMSPOO get 10% off

Cost of Dog Grooming – Pets and Pet Care –

When I  am responding to potential customers about pricing for my services I sometimes get worried that I am charging too much. I not wanting to take people for to much but want to make a fair profit. Here is a link to dog grooming prices in the US. I am right in the middle of these.